Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction : Basics
What is Fan Fiction?
Everyone is familiar with novels, short stories, poems, sonnets and comics.In school, we first begin with writing essays and sometimes stories.
There are so many genres out in the market just waiting to be read.
The genres range from Sci-Fi, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Fantasy, Romance,Paranormal and the list goes on.
However what is Fan Fiction?
In a nutshell, based on purely observation and partially from the Urban Dictionary...
Fan Fiction is purely fan based literature and an equally popular form of "Fan Labor" as Fan Art.
A fan would either use a Canon Universe or the Main Universe of the Movie, Game, Comic/Graphic Novel, Anime or even an actual existing Novel to create a story of his/her own using the characters.
Some would use all the existing characters, while others would create additional ones to supplement or 'add spice' to their fan work, or create a completely new story with new characters within their chosen Universe.
Either way, most fans would always add disclaimers to show respect to the original authors and developers every time they've penned their works.
Hence this concludes my view of What Fan Fiction is and what it entails.
Interest and Development
When I first created this Blog I first intended it to post mainly Fan Art.Though since Fan Fiction does certainly fit in the "Fan-based" Category, it was seemed logical to add into this Blog.
Sure, I didn't how to do so back then. It seemed really tedious at the time.
Well, there's no time like the Present.
Any Fanfiction or Ideas shall be posted here.
Even discussions of any future works will be Brainstormed here.
My first Fan Fiction was written when I first graduated from High School.
It took a whole month to write considering that I had to multi-task whilst writing and playing the PC game version of 'Final Fantasy VII'.
Though everyone has to start somewhere right? Hence that's where my interest in Fan Fiction began.
Since then, I have penned several other works though not as many as others. But it's not healthy to compare yourself with others. We all do what we can with the time we have.