Fantasy + Spirit + Abstract

Fantasy, Spirit & Abstract Art:

 Interests and Development

 Over the last couple of years I had been developing other artworks or more specifically art of the "Spirit" or "Fantasy" genre.

Ever since I was child, I had always been enamored by Mythical Creatures and Fantasy Realms.
It could probably have been due to my love for cartoons and fantasy shows.

 My favorites were always:
  • Mermaids
  • Fairies
  • Angels
  • Dragons
  • Unicorns
  • Fantasy Warriors

Besides those I had also gotten back to "Musical Abstract".

I don't paint it as often but it was part of the syllabus during my Undergraduate days.
The process consists of continuously listening to a chosen song over and over and painting according to what was experienced. 

This form of art could almost double as "Therapy Painting" as I feel that anyone could do it as the process is much simpler than creating a structure or anything that requires some form of anatomy.


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